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A spot for the strange and exotic


I managed to stumble into a small but nice shop called Curios Obscura which had me spinning my head at all the neat things. At first, I popped in to grab a free top hat and then found myself exploring the whole shop of wonders. If you are want to make that bold fashion statement to others, then revealing your inner cogs and workings in your back might be your thing.

The Cogs Revealed

Or perhaps, you have a thing for riding broomsticks. Take a look at me testing out the broom vehicle.
broom vehicle

I found that there are man things here that will give just about anyone some kind of pleasure. Whether it be a rotating "posing" floor that clamps your victim and rotates and drops them through the floor or a Scare Bear that one can hide in and pop out at any unsuspecting victim. There is an unlimited things of unique fashions as well including the flying tea saucer dress that can carry a Tiny avatar around. My favorite is the Horseless carriage dress that allows you to climb in and wear a dress that takes you places....literally.

Don't take my word for it. Pop in for a visit and see for yourself. I guarantee you wont be bored! Oh, and Don't I look sexy in this free top hat Curios Obscura gave me?
